There’s been much talk, promise of change, and infusion of capital in healthcare, hoping for large returns and high performance. Healthcare organizations are reacting to and changing amid this wave of disruption, all while the healthcare industry moves to more value-driven models and embraces risk. Many disruptors seek to either disintermediate, marginalize, or commoditize traditional healthcare players. What if incumbents could take healthcare back – be the disruptor rather than the disruptee, demonstrate superiority in value-creation, and in so-doing return and retain value to themselves?
This webinar will frame out a roadmap for change that enables health systems, physician organizations, and health plans to continue to lead the transformation to value. Two healthcare CEOs – one from an innovative integrated health system and one from a leading population health and healthcare transformation company – will discuss compelling business strategies to accelerate the path to high performance as healthcare transforms to new models of care.
In this webinar, attendees will:
-Learn how healthcare incumbents can proactively respond to industry challenges and disruptions
-Gain insights for transitioning to value-driven models and managing risk
-Discover strategies to take a leadership role in the transformation toward new models of care
-Realize how health systems can effectively deliver and demonstrate superior value
Michael Dandorph, President, CEO, Tufts Medicine
Mike Farris, Chairman, CEO, Navvis; Surround Care
Beth Bierbower, Independent Consultant, Strategic Advisor, Board Member