Experts from Navvis, Brookings Institution, SSM Health and Florida Medical Clinic share the virtual stage at the 2020 Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Summit.
This year’s Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Summit hosted commentary from some of the country’s leading experts in healthcare transformation. Navvis had the honor of hosting and speaking on a panel entitled – The Future of Supporting Physicians in a Value-Based World.
“You have to educate physicians on value-based care and the economic realities…in our journey to value-based care physicians participate at the grass roots level and are part of the process. This built strong engagement.”
Joe Delatorre – CEO, Florida Medical Clinic
Moderated by Dr. Stuart Baker, executive officer & co-founder at Navvis, the session included Dr. Kavita Patel, nonresident fellow, Brookings Institution; Dr. Matt Hanley, chief clinical officer, SSM Health; Joe Delatorre, CEO, Florida Medical Clinic; and Mike Farris, chairman & CEO, Navvis. The discussion focused on engaging and empowering physicians, success in risk-based models, creating an ecosystem of services to support physicians, and the role of specialty physicians in value-based care.
The following are some key takeaways from the panel (please see the full video below):
- “Many supporting systems have not yet reached the tipping point to create a new environment for the physician to be fully successful in value-based care.” -Dr. Matt Hanley, SSM Health
- “We know a lot more than we did a decade ago on value-based payment models, but we need to educate on those efforts and what we’ve learned and payment models must evolve.” -Dr. Kavita Patel, Brookings Institution
- “We need a course correction in value-based programs. Specialty care needs its own value-based revolution and needs to be connected at the hip to primary care transformation.” -Dr. Kavita Patel, Brookings Institution
- “We need to think a little bit differently as physicians face the conundrum of volume versus value. We have to address their entire panel and be payer agnostic.” -Mike Farris, Navvis
- “Success in value-based care rests heavily on analytics, producing the right information at the right time and in the right moment and that information needs to be integrated into the workflow to effect decision making.” -Mike Farris, Navvis
- “Two ideas resonate when you are trying to engage people. Science shows us that human beings like to be part of something that is bigger than themselves. And people like to be part of a winning team. We have to define our purpose and direction – and better care is an aspirational and worthy purpose. Our winning strategy at SSM Health is to provide value-based care.” -Dr. Matt Hanley, SSM Health
- “On engaging physicians in value-based care initiatives, it is critical that we partner with them, and not do it to them. We are investing in care coordination, an ecosystem of care management, training for the clinicians and the whole office staff, and we are providing data that will feel different. Physicians need to feel part of the journey and supported in the journey.” -Dr. Matt Hanley, SSM Health
- “You have to educate physicians on value-based care and the economic realities. If your board dictates it, you are not going to get engagement from your providers. In our journey to value-based care physicians participate at the grass roots level and are part of the process. This built strong engagement.” -Joe Delatorre, FMC
- “FMC is now seeing its specialists wanting to participate in value-based care contracts, due to the success of our primary care physicians. Compensation use to be weighted to the specialists and now they are seeing some of the benefits related to our primary care model.” -Joe Delatorre, FMC
- “Embracing a ‘never discharge’ concept where physicians transition from asking patients What’s the matter with you? to What matters to you? will help change the trajectory of people’s health and lives.” -Mike Farris, Navvis
- “We have two main swim lanes at SSM Health. The first is to stand up a value-based care infrastructure including educating our team, a technology platform to provide the data and information to be successful, standing up the care coordination platform to proactively manage the lives at risk, and identifying the care interventions that we have to get right. The second is to make sure as a system we are gathering together our leaders and defining common standards and doing that through the lens of value-based care.” -Dr. Matt Hanley, SSM Health
- “Building an ecosystem around the physician is a clear success factor in value-based care.” -Dr. Stuart Baker, Navvis
Watch the Panel Discussion
Click below to watch a full video of this panel discussion at the 2020 Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Summit.